Self Drive
A self drive conversion allows people with higher-end disabilities to independently enter a vehicle, position themselves into the driving position, and drive away confidently.
There are two types of self drive conversion: Transfer self-drive is ideal for those who have difficulty entering vehicles or storing their wheelchair but are able to transfer. Wheelchair self drive is ideal for those unable to transfer as they can drive from their wheelchair.
The transfer motion differentiates the Transfer Self Drive Conversion from the Wheelchair Self-Drive Conversion.
Entering from the side or rear of the vehicle, the self-driver operates the remote automatic door and wheelchair hoist by keypad. They then either transfer with the aid of a powered seat or roll into position behind the wheel. From there it is a matter of taking hold of their driving controls and picking their destination.
For more information on Self Drive Conversions and other liberating modifications by PME visit:
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A self drive conversion allows people with higher-end disabilities to independently enter a vehicle, position themselves into the driving position, and drive away confidently.
There are two types of self drive conversion: Transfer self-drive is ideal for those who have difficulty entering vehicles or storing their wheelchair but are able to transfer. Wheelchair self drive is ideal for those unable to transfer as they can drive from their wheelchair.
The transfer motion differentiates the Transfer Self Drive Conversion from the Wheelchair Self-Drive Conversion.
Entering from the side or rear of the vehicle, the self-driver operates the remote automatic door and wheelchair hoist by keypad. They then either transfer with the aid of a powered seat or roll into position behind the wheel. From there it is a matter of taking hold of their driving controls and picking their destination.
For more information on Self Drive Conversions and other liberating modifications by PME visit:
To contact Problem Management Engineering about Self Drive use Get a quote.
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