Clinical Innovations traxi Panniculus ...
traxi Panniculus Retractor is a retraction device used for predictable, reliable retraction of the panniculus during surgical procedures. traxi retracts and holds the panniculus for the duration of the operation, freeing the surgeon’s hands and those of the staff to better care for the patient.
To contact Laborie Medical Technologies about Clinical Innovations traxi Panniculus Retractor use Get a quote.
traxi Panniculus Retractor is a retraction device used for predictable, reliable retraction of the panniculus during surgical procedures. traxi retracts and holds the panniculus for the duration of the operation, freeing the surgeon’s hands and those of the staff to better care for the patient.
To contact Laborie Medical Technologies about Clinical Innovations traxi Panniculus Retractor use Get a quote.
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