There are a range of dropside options available to customise any stretcher to suit your special requirements.
In Stock
16 riser dropsides
7 riser dropsides
Split fold dropsides
Flush fold dropsides
Mid position locking
Deluxe dropsides
We understand that there are different ways that patients must be transported and procedures performed. Safety comes first, which is why we've developed a selection of side rail options, to ensure you can have the right outcome for your department's requirements.
To contact Modsel about Modsel Stretcher | Custom Dropside Options use Get a quote.
16 riser dropsides
7 riser dropsides
Split fold dropsides
Flush fold dropsides
Mid position locking
Deluxe dropsides
We understand that there are different ways that patients must be transported and procedures performed. Safety comes first, which is why we've developed a selection of side rail options, to ensure you can have the right outcome for your department's requirements.
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